E77 Patricia Maguire, Professor of Biochemistry at University College Dublin

    Welcome to episode 77 of the AI Ireland podcast, the show that explores the applications and research of Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on the island of Ireland.

    Our mission is to increase the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness and everyone living in Ireland.

    In today’s show, we are joined by Patricia Maguire, Professor of Biochemistry at University College Dublin and Kevin Marshall, Head of Education at Microsoft Ireland. In the show, we will talk about AI_PREMie, which combines machine learning and cutting-edge omics methodologies to develop a new platform for the diagnosis and treatment of pre-eclampsia.

    Pre-eclampsia is extremely difficult to diagnose and results in the deaths of 50,000 mothers and 500,000 babies every year. The team at AI_PREMie are creating an affordable tool to closely observe pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and prevent unnecessary adverse outcomes for both mothers and babies. The team were a recent finalist in the Best Application of AI to achieve Social Good at the 2021 AI Awards.

    Topics include:

    • AI_PREMie’s work in diagnosing pre-eclampsia in mothers & their babies
    • The multi-disciplinary team behind this great work
    • Challenges to overcome such as data privacy and the impact of the pandemic
    • Results they are seeing from the pilot project
    • The role of Microsoft Ireland in combining technology with education
    • Other interesting AI in Healthcare projects they are involved with



    A big thank you to Patricia and Kevin for being this week’s guests on the AI Ireland Podcast. If you would like to learn more about Patricia and her work with AI_PREMie, check out this latest article from the Irish Times & watch the video below.

    Finally, if you would like to hear more from AI Ireland, please reach out to us to learn more about AI Ireland membership and how to get involved with next year’s 2022 AI Awards by contacting mark@aiawards.ie.


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