E57 Wynton Moore, Data Science Team Lead at Three Ireland

    Welcome to episode 57 of the AI Ireland podcast, the show that explores the applications and research of Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on the island of Ireland.

    Our mission is to increase the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness and everyone living in Ireland.

    Today’s guest is Wynton Moore, Data Science Team Lead at Three Ireland. Launched in 2005, Three is now one of Ireland’s largest mobile operators. Three strives to provide their customers with a better-connected life through meaningful products, best-in-class service and a connected network experience.

    In the episode, Wynton shares:

    • An overview of his New Zealand background & how a passion for traditional music brought him to Ireland
    • Overview of the data science team and projects at Three Ireland
    • Arranmore Island – IOT Proof of Concept Project
    • Why Data Science is the Future of the Telecommunications industry



    We would like to say a big thank you to Wynton for being this week’s guest on the AI Ireland Podcast.

    Finally, if you would like to hear more from AI Ireland, please reach out to us to learn more about AI Ireland membership and how to get involved with the 2021 AI Awards by contacting mark@aiawards.ie.

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